

I grew up in the West Midlands, UK, in a tumbling-down Victorian house with secret rooms, a mysterious cellar, and a dangerous attic. My siblings and I were forever escaping cruel orphanages and wicked witches with the help of flying carpets and the magical ability to "bounce" to other worlds. We each had a tiny manual typewriter to tap out our imaginations, and drew reams of pictures and comic strips on the used computer paper our dad brought home from his lab.

We moved to Australia when I was a teenager. One science degree and many odd-jobs later, I accidentally ended up in the educational publishing industry, working as a textbook editor and project editor. For several years I was involved with Aurealis, Australia's science fiction and fantasy magazine, first as copyeditor with Dirk Strasser (editor) and then as associate editor with Keith Stevenson (editor) and Trudi Canavan (art director). This introduced me to the Australian science fiction community and inspired me to turn my scribblings into stories.

In 2005 I married American writer MC Planck and moved to Arizona, where I joined a local writing chapter and teamed up with a fantastic critique group. My debut novel Song of Scarabaeus was published in 2010 by HarperVoyager and was nominated for the Philip K. Dick Award and an Aurealis Award. The sequel Children of Scarabaeus came out a year later. I'm now writing a contemporary family drama, the Wynter Wild series, that draws on my interest in found families, rock music, philosophy, odd-ball girls and kind, smart boys.

A few years ago I moved back to Australia with my husband and daughter, and we now live in Melbourne.

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