Ridley Scott's forthcoming
Prometheus finally has a trailer - see here on io9:
I don't like horror movies but I love
Alien, the first and second-best movie in the Aliens franchise. The reason I don't think of it as horror is because it's not supernatural and not particularly gory (
Noodle interruptus alien birth notwithstanding). More than that,
Alien, like
Aliens, is thoroughly believable in the way it
looks. Like the ambience in
Firefly, I truly buy that the crew members live and work on that ship, with the same day-in day-out banter and boredom that eventually comes with any job. The characters and the sets create a world I can fall into, regardless of the plot.
An offshoot of the new movie is the
Weyland Industries site. Weyland created the androids Ash and Bishop as well as the (alarmingly unstable) atmosphere processors from
Aliens, and apparently a great many other innovations for space travel as well. In cut scenes from
Aliens you see their logo on the colony buildings. Otherwise, the company is never actually mentioned by name - it's the ubiquitous "Company" in both the first and second movie, represented by the bland Ash and blander Burke and their nefarious plans.
(In a cool bit of metamoviemagic, the URL www.prometheusmovie.com redirects to the Weyland Industries site.)